Apple ios emoji

Apple iOS 8.3 to Include Racially Diverse Emoji's

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Published: February 25, 2015 9:15 AM

Want to make a smiley in your text message but are annoyed because your skin color is not that of a Simpson's character? Well, now you can stop being frustrated because Apple is here to have the day! For those of you who don't know (and who doesn't know what an emoji is?) Emoji's are small images you can attached to text messages to help get your point across. Usually in the form of a smiley face or a symbol to specify emotion.

Apple's new iOS 8.3 update will be including over 300 different emoji's, including a wide array of emoji color options raging from the typical yellow, very pale skinned, all the way to very dark toned, as seen from the beta release. This way you can personalize your emoji's to suit you... that is, if you are bothered by simply using the yellow emoji's.

Apple iOS emojis

But color swaps are not the only thing that is coming in this new list of emoji's! When you ever use the Family emoji you can actually alter the parents to be either heterosexual, or homosexual couple. And you can also alter the amount of children and what kind you have. Such as having one child or 2, or having one boy and one girl, two boys, or two girls. If you have more than 2 children... well.... maybe Apple iOS 8.4 got your back.

That aside I think that adding racially diverse emoji's are a thoughtful idea, but one that will be ultimately neglected, as many people will probably not want to take the time and effort to alter the color of their emoji's and just stick with the default yellow.

The iOS 8.3 update is also adding in new language options for Siri, including New Zealand English, Indian English, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Thai, and Turkish, according to AppleInsider.

But what do you think? Are you excited to see the new Apple iOS 8.3 racially and sexual orientation diverse emoji's? Or does it not really matter to you what color or relationship status your emoji's are? Are you happy about the new changes to the Siri language base?

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| Former Staff Writer

Lucy Walcott is a former TechRaptor writer who loves to talk about gaming. She has been an avid gamer since she was little, focusing almost exclusively on… More about Lucy