The TTRPG community continues to change in response to Hasbro's leaked OGL 1.1. While The tabletop publisher of D&D has yet to make an official statement on the nature of this license allegedly revoking a foundational element of the TTRPG industry. Developers have signed open letters, and a few have already announced plans for open license TTRPGs of their own. But this new OGL has led to a bleak future for various third-party sources and supplements, including the end of MCDM's Arcadia magazine.
MCDM and Arcadia's final issue
The news of Arcadia magazine's cancellation was found in MCDM's most recent Patreon update. In the post, MCDM's founder Matt Colville discussed the future of the studio as well as how they would continue producing TTRPG content. First, Arcadia magazine will have its final issue published on July 2023. In addition, all future content released by the studio will become system and setting-agnostic, removing any explicit connections to Hasbro's flagship franchise.
The cancellation of Arcadia magazine is connected to the most contentious part of OGL 1.1. In addition to forcing third-party developers to sign to its new terms or face legal action, OGL 1.1 prevents the sale of new D&D 5e content. This means that certain ongoing projects like Loot Tavern's Kickstarter success, Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt will still come out for campaign backers and will have very little time on general store shelves. Since Arcadia magazine is packed with D&D 5e adventures, maps, unique statblocks, and worldbuilding supplements, its cancellation is consistent with the tabletop industry's response to OGL 1.1's sweeping changes.
While it started publication in January 2021, Arcadia magazine garnered a strong history of talented TTRPG writers and developers. Those names include Sadie Lowry (Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep) Dimension 20's Gabe Hicks, and Grace Cheung. The magazine also holds design credits for several contributors to Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel: Mario Ortegon, Justice Ramin Arman, and Anthony Joyce-Rivera. At the time of writing, all issues of Arcadia can still be purchased physically for $12 each. If you are a $10+ contributor to MCDM's Patreon, you can download all issues of the magazine at no additional charge.