All Articles about ATOM RPG

ATOM RPG Trudograd 1920x1080
Game Page

ATOM RPG: Trudograd

ATOM RPG: Trudograd is an upcoming standalone/expansion to post-apocalyptic survival game ATOM RPG. As this is an unreleased title, details are still forthcoming. Be sure to check back with…

November 30, 2019 | 07:59 EST

ATOM RPG Trudograd 1920x1080

ATOM RPG: Trudograd Showcased

Postapocalyptic survival game ATOM RPG is getting a new standalone expansion. Currently titled ATOM RPG: Trudograd, it features new locations and content. AtomTeam posted a video showcasing some of…

November 30, 2019 | 08:18 EST

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Game Page


Taking place in an alternate history, ATOM RPG is a survival game/RPG hybrid that requires players to navigate a vast wasteland, encountering what's left of humanity. Show the other survivors your…

November 30, 2019 | 07:54 EST

atom rpg coverage club header
TR Originals

Coverage Club: Atom RPG and The Anxiety of Influence

It's #loveindies time, which means that TechRaptor is going all in on indie game coverage! That means previews, reviews and a bunch of new Coverage Club entries from our review team all week. Keep…

June 8, 2019 | 02:15 EDT


New ATOM RPG Localization Will Feature Battle Brothers and Age of Decadence Writer

A brazen Fallout clone set in an alternate history Soviet Russia, ATOM RPG achieved their funding goal on Kickstarter back on May 23, 2017, then moved to Steam Early Access on November 28, 2017.…

March 6, 2019 | 04:52 EST