Since the dawn of time there has always been one winner of each E3, and this year will be no different. Sony has as good a chance as ever to take home that prize, but the competition is also as tough as ever. Microsoft has a brand new console upgrade that they can show off to the world, while Nintendo has everything to prove if they want to ensure the Switch's success. Sitting at the top in hardware sales for this console generation with the PlayStation 4, it would be easy for Sony to get complacent and throw together a mediocre conference. Or maybe they can put together something to truly blow us all away.
But first, let's begin with what we already know is going to be at the conference.
There are a couple of game's from last year's E3 conference that will no doubt make their second appearance this year. For example, it's safe to say that games Days Gone, God of War, Death Stranding, and the untitled Spider-Man game will pop up again at this year's press conference. Also, I'd bet everything I own that Call of Duty: WWII will be included in Sony's show. And let's not forget The Last of Us Part II, which was announced at PlayStation Experience last year.
But, can any of these games help Sony win E3 this year?
Absolutely. All we've seen of The Last of Us Part II thus far is a cinematic trailer. Sure, that trailer was great, but could you imagine if Naughty Dog walked up on stage and played a full demo of the game? I could see Sony winning E3 with just that alone. How plausible is this, though? I wouldn't count on it. Uncharted 4 was released just last year and Uncharted: The Last Legacy should be coming out soon, so it's unlikely that development for The Last of Us Part II is far enough along to be shown. But, while a demo isn't likely, I could still see Sony revealing a new trailer for the game.
Another previously announced game that could still steal the show for Sony is the untitled Spider-Man game, which was shown last year. For starters, Insomniac could actually give the game a name so that we don't have to keep calling it untitled. Also, with all the hype building around Spider-Man: Homecoming, a demo for this game would get massive media coverage and leave plenty of fans swooning for more info.
Sony also has a not-so-secret weapon at their disposal to use whenever they'd like: Hideo Kojima. We really don't know anything about Death Stranding, so seeing anything about the game at all is sure to create quite a stir. However, it's probably way too early to to expect any gameplay, and without gameplay, not even Kojima can win E3 for Sony.
While the above previously-announced games could in theory help Sony win E3, I stand by the idea that their best shot is to show something unexpected and unseen. Sony was able to surprise us all with Days Gone last year, and I expect that they'll attempt to do the same again this year. The development studio Sucker Punch has gone radio silent since they released Infamous Second Son and Infamous First Light back in 2014. It's about time for their next game to be announced, and I'm predicting that they will do so at E3 this year. Whether it's a new Infamous game or an entirely new IP, I still expect Sucker Punch to demo their game for the first time, as well as show off a trailer for the game.
However, it would be very unlike Sony to only show off one previously unannounced game, so I expect a few more to be announced at E3, too, possibly even another new IP. The ace up Sony's sleeve that everybody has been talking about, though, is whatever From Software currently has in the works. While there's a very good chance that the studio is currently working on Bloodborne 2, I still think it's possible that they could reveal an entirely new IP at E3 this year. Whatever it ends up being though, it's bound to make quite the splash.
While PlayStation VR has sold well, it still lacks a library of fully-fledged games. I expect Sony to try to change that very soon, and while I doubt they'll demo a VR game on stage, I could see them showing a sizzle reel of upcoming VR games during the conference. I am also predicting that Sony will announce that PlayStation Plus will now include one free PS VR game every month as a way to entice more buyers.
Speaking of VR, it would also go a long way if Sony revealed new Move controllers for the PS VR. The current Move controllers are practically ancient, and while a new controller will by no means win E3 for Sony, it would mean a lot to potential PS VR buyers and to those who already own the headset.
And last but not lease, while Microsoft will be busy showing of Project Scorpio and Nintendo will be busy playing with the Switch, Sony could possibly blow them out of the water if they announced a new handheld device. How likely is the Vita 2? I'd say there's probably less than a 1% chance that it happens, but if anybody's crazy enough to try it, I think it would be Sony, and it would instantly steal much of the thunder from Nintendo and Microsoft.
Sony's E3 press conference will take place on June 12th at 9 p.m. EST. TechRaptor will be covering all the press conferences as they happen, so you can come back here for all Sony-related news in the coming week.
What do you think Sony can do to win E3? Or, do you think there's no chance of them winning at all? Let me know in the comment section below!