Those looking to watch someone play out their fantasies of their favorite Yandere waifu took a bit of a blow today, as Twitch updated their List of Prohibited Games. As stated by YandereDev himself, Yandere Simulator has been banned from streaming on the Twitch platform. This adds to an every growing list that includes indie sensation HuniePop, Criminal Girls, and Hatred. But what's unknown at this time is what exactly has gotten the banned from the service. While Twitch has specific guidelines in place regarding adult content, no information was given by twitch on exactly what Yandere Simulator does to get it banned. In fact, Twitch had absolutely no communication with the developer on the banning, as he indicated that he found out via a friend. For those who are unaware of the game, Yandere Simulator has you playing to try to get the love of your precious senpai, and dealing with any competition in possibly violent ways.
While there have been games that have been streamed on the service that have featured nudity for example, Twitch specifically says that "Nudity can't be a core focus or feature of the game in question". The worst that I can see regarding Yandere Simulator (besides a mod for nudity, but other games such as Skyrim have nude mods as well) is a shower section that has the sensitive parts of the person in question blurred out thanks to soap bubbles. The creator seems open to adjust the game to allow it to be streamed, as seen below. The game has been played by such YouTube personalities as Markiplier and Jacksepticeye
TechRaptor is contacting Twitch to try to get clarification on what exactly rules have been broken here, or what content is not considered ok for their service, and will update the story if we get a response from Twitch.
Do you think that Twitch is going too far regarding the banning of the game in question, or do you think that it goes against their Community Guidelines? What do you think of the fact that no communication was given to the developer? Leave your thoughts below!