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[Update] EA E3 2016 - Titanfall 2 Singleplayer Trailer, Details Unveiled

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Published: June 12, 2016 5:28 PM

After a brief step into EA's E3 2016 press conference, Vince Zampella took the stage to show off Titanfall 2.  Leading into the announcements was the revelation that Titanfall 2 will also make an appearance on the PS4.  The original Titanfall was only on Xbox One and PC.

Titanfall 2 Titan Live
There's even a Titan outside the theater for this press conference.

In multiplayer, there will be 6 new Titans for players to use to wreak destruction upon the enemy, alongside new pilot abilities, a customization system, and a "deep" progression system.  The official multiplayer trailer was shown to cover the multiplayer elements.  There will be a technical test that potential players can sign up for on the Titanfall website but the date is currently undisclosed.  Players that sign up for the official newsletter will get word of the technical test at a later date.


Something several players have been requesting for quite some time with Titanfall was a true single player campaign, and for the first time today (if you didn't see the leak already), we got a trailer showing the single player campaign in action.  The trailer revealed many action packed sequences that might remind veteran EA players of a Battlefield game campaign.  The story follows a Militia rifleman who dreams of becoming one of the elite Pilots.  After it's pilot is killed in action, a veteran Titan teams up with this rifleman to carry out an incredibly dangerous mission, one that was never meant to be.  The single player will be playable offline, as well.


Titanfall 2 is currently up for pre-order.  Ordering the Deluxe Edition will allow you to immediately dive into customizing your Titans with exclusive Warpaints, Nose Arts, Camouflage, and other currently undisclosed items.

Titanfall 2 is bound for PC, PS4 and Xbox One October 28th, 2016.

Be sure to follow TechRaptor for our latest in E3 coverage!

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A writer, gamer, aspiring musician and does stuff for Tech Raptor. Loves good FPS games, racing games, and JRPGs. Has a thing for anime, otaku goods, and… More about David

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Titanfall 2
Game Page Titanfall 2
Electronic Arts
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release Date
October 28, 2016 (Calendar)
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