
Toadman Studios Announces New EvilvEvil Game

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Published: January 31, 2020 10:00 AM

Enad Global 7 member, Toadman Studios, has announced a new co-op vampire FPS game, EvilvEvil, due out late this year. Right now we only have a few images and a teaser trailer to go off of apart from the announcement via Enad Global 7 themselves.

EvilvEvil will be a co-op first-person shooter that looks to bring a unique player-directed and ever-developing storyline with a vampire theme to the genre. Enad Global 7 explains:

The first project from Toadman Studios of the Enad Global 7 group is EvilvEvil, a slick vampire shooter, and will be supported by publisher Sold Out, and creative agency Petrol Advertising. EvilvEvil will serve as the inaugural Enad Global 7 project that reflects the cross functional approach of bringing together separate companies across the video game and entertainment space, to produce a true unison of development, marketing, and branding.

EvilvEvil is a co-op first-person vampire shooter with a player-directed, continuously updated storyline. Its cast of characters will bring ultracool vampires with a heavy dose of attitude and other monstrosities. The current release window is set to be end of 2020. More information on the game will be released at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco from March 16 to 20.

We will have to wait until GDC to learn more about this new IP as stated, but at the very least you can take a look at the teaser material released to get a feel for whether this new game might pique your interests. As for Enad Global 7 itself, they describe themselves as "a group of companies within the gaming industry that develops, markets, publishes and distributes PC, console and mobile games to the global gaming market" and has plans for several more titles to release this year.

What kinds of things would you be interested to see in a vampire-themed FPS? What do you think about companies in the games industry banding together as Enad Global 7 have? 

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Kyle Downey TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Staff Writer looking to keep you both informed and entertained. Favorite games include: Pokemon, Overwatch, Golden Sun, Portal, and Elder Scrolls.