this is the police weappy studio 1

This Is the Police Delayed Due to Publisher Error

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Published: July 29, 2016 6:43 PM

There are a lot of reasons games can get delayed, but the delay of Weappy's This Is the Police is one of the weirder reasons out there. Initially supposed to launch yesterday, This Is the Police  has been delayed to August 2nd due to a publisher mistake.

Originally there was no explanation provided for the delay but publisher EuroVideo explained it on the This is the Police discussion forum in a new thread. What happened is that they forgot to hit the "ready for final approval from Steam" button in Steamworks to send it to Steam for approval - a process that normally takes 2-5 business days. They explain that the mistake was entirely theirs and they didn't realize it until July 27th - the day before the planned release.

As the mistake was their fault they decided to delay on other retailers like GOG as well. Their stated reason is that it would be unfair to Steam and to other platforms like the Humble Store which sell Steam Keys.

Also recently, Weappy posted an Open Letter by Development Lead Ilya Yanovich regarding if the game is a political one or if they wanted to make a particular statement. In particular they wanted to address the question if their game was meant to comment on recent events in the United States. You can read the full letter on their site, but here is a small excerpt of it:

So This Is the Police is not a political game, but a human one. It revolves around personal desires, fear and pride, love and hatred. We are storytellers, not propagandists. We have no ready-made answers, but together we can find them. And video games — like all the other good things in this world — are here to make sure we don’t get lost.

If you want to learn more about game, be sure to check out our review of This is the Police, which was published on the 27th.

What do you think about the reason for the delay? What is the weirdest reason you've heard for a game delay? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don