
TechRaptor News Update 1/15 - 1/19

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Published: January 22, 2018 9:00 AM

Now that 2018 is here, hopefully all the negativity from the last year stays there and we can move on to bigger and better things going forward.  In this week’s news update, Nick and I are going to focus on more uplifting stories of 2018, such as Nintendo Switch adding Netflix, Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition, and Call of Duty once again exceeding expectations.  However, as you will soon find out, not everything is sunshine and rainbows.

Netflix on the Switch?

Having Netflix on the Switch would be nice but its not the end of the world if I can never watch such amazing top quality content such as whatever Chelsea Handler decides she needs to film this week.

Read more about it here on TechRaptor

Dark Souls and a Bunch of Wii U Games Coming to the Switch

Why is everyone so upset when they never even had a Wii U anyway? Nintendo has announced a lot of cool stuff coming to the Switch this year!

Over 120 PUBG Cheat Makers Arrested

I find the punishment here a bit extreme, but after looking into Chinese law and at how much money the scammers were making, it seems warranted.  Regardless of my opinion, Chinese-based cheating is definitely a problem that has been plaguing the battle royale shooter for too long now.  Do you think they serve chicken dinner in prison?

Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition Announced

It's still unclear if the season pass from the base game can unlock all the new content, regardless if you have not played the game yet this is a good time to start. 

conor mcgregor dollars money new york tour
This guy can afford to play FFXV in 8K.

As well as in the video posted above, Nick and I discuss the woes of Call of Duty: WWII and their upcoming DLC1 pack.  We also try to understand Nick's psyche as he explains how he put in over 200 hours into Final Fantasy XV.  This is only the beginning of the year and things are off to a great start so far.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have some cardboard boxes to preorder for $80.

For about $3,000 you can see everyone's favorite character in 8K.

| Video Producer
