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StarCraft II receives an impressive Diablo II mod

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Published: April 13, 2016 6:14 PM

StarCraft II's powerful editor has produced a lot of interesting and downright innovative mods in the last few years. Now we are getting a Diablo II remake that might be the most impressive mod for StarCraft II yet.


Developed by Egod for StarCraft II's Arcade, The Curse of Tristram: Destruction's End is set to remake the entirety of Diablo II's campaign, with the author stating that the mod "will be released as a series of custom map (ACT:ZONE) published through Battle.net Arcade."

From the trailer alone (with a few minutes of gameplay here) the mod looks remarkably complete, with the release date for the mod's Alpha set for this summer.

On risks associated with creating such a mod, Egod states that because he has already "completed most of the core systems and functionality" for the mod, the risk factor will be "very low".  


However, with recent news of Blizzard Entertainment vigorously defending its copyright via the take down of Nostalrius and the take down of other mods utilizing a license without approval, one has to wonder if this mod is safe. While Blizzard has allowed Warcraft III mods and even a kickstarter for the StarCraft Universe mod, what the future for this mod will be - allowed to exist or cease desist?

Quick Take: 

This is a really nice thing to see, and a good example of the power behind the StarCraft II engine. Diablo II has always been one of those games that are just a little too archaic for me to fully get into, and with an HD release looking highly unlikely in the future, The Curse of Tristram looks to fill a potential void. What makes this even more intriguing is whether or not Blizzard will allow this mod to be developed or not. Copyright law is a tricky thing, and even with the best of intentions this mod could still end up discontinued. We'll see.

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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