It seems like the Medal of Honor franchise is coming back. Titanfall developers Respawn Entertainment have announced Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, the first VR entry to the series.
The trailer opens up with the historical fact that, during World War 2, the French Resistance would use music to coordinate attacks on Nazis. What follows is a quick sizzle real of people shooting Nazis, as should always happen, that ends with the main character tossing a pot into a Nazi's head. After this we get to see various developers talk about the game while clips of it play in the background. Some of the unique scenes show a player climbing a rope and hanging onto it with one hand while shooting a Nazi that tries to cut the rope, the player flipping a knife around so they can throw it into a Nazi's face, and even one interesting scene that showed you can pull the pin of a grenade out by using your teeth. It seems like the game will have something for everyone who loves killing Nazis.
While it's not shown in the trailer, Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond will also be launching with a multiplayer mode. There's not much details given on the mode though, other than that it will exist. In addition to this, the press release notes that the game will "lean into the franchise’s history of education through entertainment" and it will be "bringing the stories of WWII veterans to life for players in emotionally powerful ways." If this means through the campaign, or if there will be a World War 2 version of Assassin's Creed's Discovery Tour mode is yet to be seen.
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond will be launching exclusively on Oculus Rift in summer 2020.
How do you feel about Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond? Think that VR may be a good way to go with the classic World War 2 shooter? Want another entry that isn't VR? Let us know in the comments below!