Pokemon sun and moon cover

Pokemon Sun and Moon Strategy Guides Detailed

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Published: May 24, 2016 11:08 PM

The newest entries in the beloved Pokemon series were announced only a few months ago. Just a few weeks ago, we got our first look Pokemon Sun and Moon, showing off the region, the starter Pokemon, and the flagship legendary Pokemon.

Today, the strategy guide for Pokemon Sun and Moon has appeared on Amazon, in two different versions, Standard Edition, and the Collectors Edition. While the standard edition is softcover listed at $25, the collectors edition is hardcover and listed at a surprisingly high $40.

Both editions include:

-Detailed walkthrough of the brand-new Pokémon games!
-Locations of where to catch Pokémon!
-Lists of moves, items, and more—including how to obtain them!
-Helpful tips for getting the most out of communication features!
-Pullout map of the region!

Pokemon sun and moon guide
Hardcover Collectors Edition featuring the currently unamed Sun and Moon Legendary Pokemon.

However, the collectors edition has an unspecified "Bonus Content only available in the Collector’s Edition". It's completely unknown at this time what kind of bonus content will be included, but you can speculate based on it's higher price point. The strategy guidebooks for the previous two games, Pokemon X and Y, and Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, both had two guidebooks, one covering the campaign, one covering the post game and updated Pokedex. It does appear that these new strategy guides will include all the new Pokemon, but I would not be surprised if there were a complete Pokedex guide that covers all the Pokemon to be released later.

The last news for Pokemon Sun and Moon came out a few weeks ago, and there's rumored to be another big announcement for the games on June 2nd.

Pokemon Sun and Moon are set to launch November 18th, 2016

What do you think the "bonus content" could be? Are you going to pre-order one of the guides? If so which one?

| Former Staff Writer

 I've been playing games my whole life, mostly Nintendo and Playstation. My all time favorite game series are Pokemon, Infamous, Golden Sun and Persona

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Pokémon Sun and Moon
Game Freak
Nintendo 3DS
Release Date
November 18, 2016 (Calendar)
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