Planetside 2

Planetside 2 October 30th Update

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Published: October 29, 2014 5:33 PM

Planetside 2 the free to play MMOFPS is getting a new game update on October 30th 2014. The game update features new content, game balancing, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

New content includes new black and gold versions of Nanite Systems weapons:

  • NS-11CG
  • NS-11CB
  • NS-11AG
  • NS-11AB
  • NS-15MG
  • NS-15MB
  • NS Decimator-G
  • NS Decimator-B
  • NS Annihilator-G
  • NS Annihilator-B
Berets are included as a new player helmet, a feature long requested by players but denied by the old art director for the game. A fact which SOE pokes fun at in their update notes "Yes, really! Get them in the Depot before we change our minds!". (The old art director being Tramell Ray Isaac aka T-Ray who recently left SOE and was replaced by Bill Yeatts)

Game balancing features a simplification of the facility shields to help with new player experience as well as make the game more intuitive. The update features changes to some of the most complained about weapons: Anti-vehicle grenade, PPA, Striker, and Spiker. There is also a small change for concussion grenades.

There is a large selection of bug and performance fixes which are very welcomed from the player-base as unexpected issues have recently risen up in the midst of a hectic development cycle as SOE tries to get the PS4 version of the game shipped.  You can read about everything I mentioned in more detail over here. If the idea of fighting in epic futuristic battles for free sounds good to you can sign up for an account here. If you already have a station account or just want to learn more about the game you can do so over here.


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John Rozger has a BA in Computer Science and is a fledgling software and video game developer. As a lifelong gamer he enjoys writing about the gaming… More about John