no mans sky pilgrim exocraft 1

No Man's Sky Patch Update Adds New Exocraft, Summoning Station

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Published: October 6, 2018 4:54 PM

No Man's Sky has been steadily improving since the launch of their latest big update, No Man's Sky Next, and with the promise of a steady stream of content and fan feedback with their player base, every patch has added something new to the game in small increments.

The latest patch, 1.63, coincides with the 5th Development Update for the game and is adding one hefty piece of content with a brand new Exocraft to the game, the Pilgrim.

The Pilgrim is described as "rugged and fast moving," resembling a futuristic motorcycle with off-road tires. The blueprints for the craft are made widely available for purchase for any player in the game able to afford one.

Howdy Pilgrim

In addition to the Pilgrim, Hello Games is also improving the Excocraft Summoning stations. Previously, each Exocraft would need a separate station to be built for it in No Man's Sky. Now, players will only need to build one station per planet, which now has unlimited range. Other little improvements include the increasing of inventory size, fixing multiplayer races between vehicles, and brand new upgrades for the Pilgrim and other Exocrafts that change each vehicles handling, top speed, boost power and more to their personal liking. These vehicle upgrades are similar to ship modules and the players multi-tool, and will cost nanites.

Most of these add-ons are accompanied with a multitude of game fixes that go beyond the Exocrafts themselves. The patch also aims to improve in-game visuals when highlighting objects in the Analysis Visor and the performance of terrain tessellation on the PC version of the game. Full patch notes are detailed in the patch notes here.

Hello Games has been incredibly pro-active with the community through these updates, which was part of their post-launch plans to allow for more community input on the game. CEO Sean Murray has also been active in community causes, including a donation to the fan group The Galactic Construction Company, who build bases for other players in exchange for a donation to charity. They matched the current donation, and with other donations now The Galactic Construction Company has raised over $2000 for the Alzheimers Society.

No Man's Sky is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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| Staff Writer

A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

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Game Page No Man's Sky
Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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