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New Mass Effect: Andromeda Trailer Shows Off Gameplay

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Published: January 08, 2017 1:34 PM

With the confirmed release date of March 21st, Mass Effect: Andromeda is only three months away before it hits store shelves. As the release date inches closer, BioWare has stepped up their output of information, including a small gem showing off some in-game combat and gameplay for the first time in depth.

The trailer in question was a part of a presentation for NVIDIA's CES 2017 Keynote. The two-minute trailer showcased a small snippet of gameplay, but with it is a wealth of information regarding the type of game Mass Effect: Andromeda is shaping up to be. You can watch the trailer below.

After showing off the players new ship, The Tempest, flying through asteroids and landing on a desert planet, we see the male version of Ryder prepare his squad and loadout for a mission on a rocky, crater-like world.

We get a glimpse of the Asari companion Peebee, and a user interface that shows Peebee and a second squadmates name, Cora, Peebee's stats and level, and a few other bits on the hud at the top, including a line of credits, Nexus points, and unused skill points for Ryder.

The next screen shows off the Pathfinder Profiles, the "class" system found in Andromeda. In part with the mandate by the development team, there is no singular class the player follows in Mass Effect: Andromeda, instead they can select different profiles that derive a number of abilities and skills from different classes. The in-game text notes that Ryder has an implant in them that could give these powers to them, and a total of seven profiles were shown- the six original classes of Mass Effect, and a new profile, titled Explorer.

The final interface we see is the skills screen, as the Pathfinder cycles through a number of tech skills to pick and choose from. In addition to the profile loadouts, players can pick and choose various powers for a three ability loadout for their character. The level up for such loadouts follows the same pattern as Mass Effect 3, with diverging paths available after you level up a power.

Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay 1
The gameplay in action, note that only three powers are available, but that the combat retains a lot of the standard Mass Effect style.

Many of the abilities showcased are reminiscent of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer combat style. The three power loadout and profile system are directly lifted, and the combat itself follows similar pacing. We see Ryder fight off some of the remnants with a mix of gunplay, power usage and close-range fighting, including punches and dashes to avoid being hit. We also check out a new power, a hand wristed flamethrower, that melts away armor on enemies rather quickly.

Quick Take

Overall, the trailer, when broken down, shows us what to expect when it comes to character loadout and skill progression Mass Effect: Andromeda, and it's pretty promising. Using the same gameplay style as the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer was a wise move, considering how fluid the combat was in that gameplay mode while being rewarding with the proper loadouts to tackle hordes of enemies.

If there is any flaw I can see, it is the power limitations, three powers at a time is very limiting compared to the normal five-six per class, but it does open the door for possibilities in regards to strategy - you might need to swap in the flamethrower to take down armor, for example, or use electricity to override shields. Perhaps we also can mix and match different profile powers, although that is still unconfirmed, it looks like all the powers are from a specific profile first.

There is a lot of potential here, what are your thoughts though on the revealed gameplay? Leave your comments below. 

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Mass Effect: Andromeda
Electronic Arts
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Release Date
March 21, 2017 (Calendar)
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