Civilization VI France

New Civilization VI Spotlight Shows off the French

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Published: July 26, 2016 12:07 PM

It's not even been a week since we got to meet the Aztecs, the perfect civ for establishing dominance in the early ages of Civilization VI, and now it's time to take a look at France led by Catherine de Medici.

Born to Italian nobleman Lorenzo de Medici (which should be a familiar name for people who played Assassin's Creed 2) and a noblewoman of the French royal family, Catherine de Medici enjoyed a life of privilege in Florence, Italy. Her talents for politics paved the way for an interesting political career in France, eventually marrying King Henry II and giving birth to 3 sons who all became kings of France in her lifetime. She also served as the Queen Regent of France for a time after the untimely demise of her husband. While the throne eventually passed on to her son, who heeded her counsel up until the last months of her life. She managed to hold the monarchy together in a time of constant civil unrest and ruthlessly beat down her enemies at court. 

France's special ability is Grand Tour, which gives the civ a bonus when building mid-game wonders, and nets them extra tourism for every wonder this civ constructs. 

The unique unit for the French civ is the Garde Impériale. This unit gets a combat bonus for fighting on their starting capital's home continent and they acquire Great General points through kills. 

Back from Civilization V is the Chateau, and can only be built on a tile adjacent to a river. The Chateau gives France extra culture per turn. You'll get extra culture when you build a Chateau close to wonders. 

Catherine's time with the French nobility has given her a deep knowledge and understanding on spying on others. This is personified in the game by her Ladies-in-waiting ability, which allows your spies to uncover more information when they spy on other civilizations. When you research the Castle technology you will gain access to one additional spy. 

France is a civ that thrives in the mid-game, and will be attractive to those looking to score a culture victory. While they can't match the early game build speed of wonders like other civs, France more than makes up for that in the mid-game. Her unique unit is really powerful and well-suited for war or for defense. France's unique ability will allow you to gather as much info on your friends and enemies as you need, and will allow you to prepare for whatever's coming your way. 

Civilization VI is scheduled to release on October 21. 

What do you think of the French civ? Let us know in the comment section below!

Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Firaxis Games
2K Games
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
Strategy, 4X
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