Awhile ago, Idea Factory International announced that Megadimension Neptunia VII was coming to PC sometime during the summer, and had a closed beta session open to applications. It appears they are now prepared to roll out the finished item, as earlier today, they announced that Megadimension Neptunia VII is finally coming to Steam on July 5th, the day after Anime Expo in Los Angeles. There will also be a very large amount of free DLC coming with the release, including the Japanese audio option that was also free day one DLC on the PlayStation 4 release, as well as Trillion: God of Destruction costumes. In addition to this, a Digital Deluxe version was announced, which contains "some extra digital goodies" but specifics were not immediately offered. They, however, plan to announce the Digital Deluxe version details sometime later.
I know what you're thinking - this is the day after the Steam sale ends too. Worry not, Idea Factory International announced that for the first week, Megadimension Neptunia VII will be 40% off, so your wallet won't hate you as much for post Steam sale spending.
We previously reviewed the PlayStation 4 version of Megadimension Neptunia VII and thought it was pretty good despite some balance issues and frustrating portions.
For those of you who have not kept up with the news surrounding Neptunia VII, it features three different stories taking part in three different worlds within the Neptunia universe proper. The familiar cast returns for the usual game industry reference heavy and pop culture laced humor. The PC version will run at 60 frames per second on capable hardware. The PlayStation 4 version also ran at 60 frames per second through most of the game but slowed down at some points of the game.
Here is the full list of free DLC according to Idea Factory:
- Japanese voice audio
- Histy’s Trial Item Set
- Histy’s Beginner Item Set
- “That” Ball
- Challenge From Vermili Gym Delegate
- Cross Jammer
- Duel Shock
- Invading Squeed Aliens
- Tokimeki Memory
- It’s Hard for Unpopular Men
- Gamindustri’s Dark Demon
- Charge on Titans
- Freelance Job Starting With “Y”
- Mouse Kingdom
- True Companions
- Unconfirmed, But In Progress
- Nice Green and Yellow Coupling!
- You’re Forever ~Green Demon~
- Sniper Specialized Aircraft
- Dragon Heroes
- Older Sister Team
- Evil Goddess ~Dark White~
- White Wing Chocopiman
- Mechamiso Technique
- Ultimate Fusion! Dark Orange
- Silent Whirlpool
- Magigirl Rom and Ram!
- Let’s Make Our Dreams Come True!
- 1st Level Cap
- 2nd Level Cap
- 3rd Level Cap
- Arfoire Δ
- Train Man
- Squeedmonsoon
- Trillion God of Destruction Costume Set
Speaking of Idea Factory International, if you are coming to Anime Expo between July 1st and 4th in Los Angeles, they will have a booth in the exhibitor's hall with some demos of their latest games on display.