The Humble Bundle price sliders are finally changing later this month, mandating a minimum 15% tip to Humble Bundle and removing the ability to donate 100% of your game bundle purchase towards charity.
Earlier this year, a number of customers noticed that they couldn't adjust the bundle price on Humble Bundle. This was followed by an announcement from Humble Bundle that it was going to remove price sliders entirely, a decision that it eventually reversed after promising to take a better look at how to implement changes. Now, Humble Bundle has revealed how it will be handling splitting up a bundle's price going forward.
How Humble Bundle Price Sliders Are Changing
The good news is that Humble Bundle price sliders will be sticking around after this change. The bad news is that you won't be able to donate 100% of your bundle price to charity any longer.
"In mid-July, we’ll be rolling out a new iteration of sliders that creates even more opportunities to support important causes," read a Humble Bundle blog post. "While splits on each bundle will vary, on average there will be a minimum amount for Humble Bundle between 15 – 30%. Sliders will clearly indicate any minimums to customers and the flexibility to adjust donations will be available in every purchase of a bundle. This change comes after ten years of having the option to lower Humble’s percentage to zero."
Humble Bundle does not explicitly line out why this change is happening, although the blog post does highlight that the PC gaming landscape has "changed significantly" since the storefront first launched in 2010. One thing is clear: you probably are going to have a hard time staying in business if customers are paying you $0 for every purchase.
Notably, the blog post does not mention how sliders will work for charities or developers — it only states that the "splits on each bundle will vary" and that Humble Bundle will be taking a minimum of 15–30% on each bundle. For now, it looks like we'll have to wait to see how this plays out in reality when the new system launches in mid-July 2021.
Disclosure: Humble Bundle works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership.
What do you think of this change to Humble Bundle price sliders? Does this change affect your decision to buy products from Humble Bundle? Let us know in the comments below!