Game Dev Tycoon, the game development simulator created by Greenheart Games, will release for iOS on November 28th, 2017, according to a blog post from the developer on their website.
If you've ever wanted to take a crack at game development, Game Dev Tycoon isn't a bad place to start without risking too much of your sanity. Players start out in a garage studio (just like so many of the biggest companies today) and work on developing games. Players begin with early versions of computers and video game consoles and work their way up to the modern era and beyond, eventually growing into a studio that has multiple employees and a marketing budget.
Greenheart Games has announced that the long-dormant game will be making its way to iOS for iPad and iPhone. The game will be updated alongside the release for the new platforms; an Android version will come sometime in January 2018. The PC version of the game will receive all of the updates of the new mobile version for free. A trailer was released to show the new features for the game:
New features being added to the mobile release and coming to PC include:
- A storyline about Bitter Cartridges
- More game topics
- A new Extra Difficult mode inspired by real events
- Native Video and Streaming Support
What do you think of Game Dev Tycoon? Are you glad to see the game getting an update so long after the initial development of the game had finished? What do you hope to see in the new version of the game? Let us know in the comments below!