If you have been digging Sony's awesome new PlayStation VR shooter, Farpoint, as much as our own Samuel Guglielmo, then you will be excited to find out that later this month they will release the first DLC pack for the game for absolutely free.
Farpoint Cryo Pack will give you to two new regions of the planet to explore when it launches on June 27. Both of these regions are covered in ice and snow which has forced the local enemies to adapt. On this journey you will find yourself with a new player skin, as well as a handful of extra trophies to collect.
Both regions will be completely playable in both the co-op and Challenge modes. To top it all off with this update, Impulse Gear is also making all of the previously released co-op maps available for the Challenge Mode as well!
Farpoint was the first game to make use of the new PSVR Aim controller. While it can be played with the DualShock 4, the Aim controller truly immerses you in the game. It may not have the looks of the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, but it more than makes up for it with its compact design and ease of use in VR. If you haven't yet make sure you check out Sam's full review of Farpont where he closed it off by saying, "If you have PSVR, Farpoint is well worth owning."
PSVR has had an extremely strong showing at E3 this week. Not only did we find out that a PSVR version of Skyrim will launch later this fall, but we also saw new titles including Supermassive Games' Inpatient and a beautiful new adventure/puzzle game called Moss.
If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2017 Coverage Hub.