brief battle release date

Fight With Your Butt in Brief Battles, Coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One This May

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Published: April 3, 2019 4:29 PM

The Brief Battles release date has been set for May 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. What is Brief Battles, you ask? Well, it's a lot like Super Smash Bros. with butts.

No, really.

Take a look at the Brief Battles Release Date Trailer to see that I'm not lying about this game:

Brief Battles essentially is very much in the style of games like Super Smash Bros. Players will be able to play as one of six adorable blobs and fight solo or with up to four of their friends in several underpants-themed game modes. While each character is tough enough in their own right, it is only through claiming one of the various superpowered undergarments that you'll truly have a chance at victory! You won't have to wait too long to play this game, either — the Brief Battles release date is May 7, 2019.

Fight your friends in 50 unique arenas spread across five different regions. Much like other games in the genre, a variety of solo challenges are also available for players to test out their platforming skills. The only notable downside is that the game only seems to feature local multiplayer, although it thankfully has controller support for those of you on PC who'd like to clap some cheeks.

Aside from the game's six original characters, a number of crossover characters will be featured in Brief Battles. Yooka-Laylee Violet (Yooka-Laylee), CommanderVideo Chad (Bit.Trip.Runner), Machinarium Tubbins (Machinarium), Goo Kevin (World of Goo), Toto Sparrow Deluxe (Toto Temple Deluxe) and Stumpy Kevin (Stumpt Gamers) will be available as bonus characters to add to the silliness. (As if an underwear-based platform brawler wasn't enough!)

If Brief Battles sounds like your kind of thing, you'll be able to get the game on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 7, 2019. For now, you can add the game to your wishlist on Steam. You might also want to swing by the game's official website.

Will you be buying this game on the Brief Battles release date? What do you think of an underwear-themed platform brawler? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N