WoW The Burning Crusade

Felmyst, A Burning Crusade Private Server, Launches Open Beta

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Published: June 29, 2017 6:50 PM

With the famous World of Warcraft private 'Vanilla' server Nostalrius covered in extensive detail here at TechRaptor, it seems only fitting that The Burning Crusade (BC) Felmyst server receives some attention too, with the amount of noise it has recently been receiving.

A few months prior, Gummy, (the main creator and 'voice' behind the server) released a video that explained the difference between what he and his team were setting out to do with Felmyst (the name of the private server) compared to other private servers.

In the video, Gummy expresses why he chose BC over Vanilla, (because it's much more documented) and how his server is closer or perhaps even better then other competing servers, including live Outland (because of its underlying framework). As a whole, the video is definitely worth a watch for those interested in the server and wondering how or why it would work.

More recently, Felmyst has gone into open beta, with the server online for anyone to download and enjoy. Prospective players should note that this server - like all private servers - are unsupported by Blizzard Entertainment, so Felmyst could potentially go offline without notice and never return. Also, due to the fact that it is an open beta, characters created will be wiped when the server moves into it's full release.

For those with more questions, be sure to check out Felmysts' FAQ.

Special Thanks to reader Midas for reaching out to us about Felmyst! If you have any news tips or information, send us an email at

Quick Take

As someone who has always despised Outland but always enjoyed the era of gameplay, this is something that I am feeling mixed reactions for. I love the fact that players can experience BC the way it was meant to be experienced, but Outland... just ugh. If only Paladin tanks were more viable in Vanilla. Still, I will probably end up giving this a try, if only to go through the Blood-Elf starting zones one more time, which are probably my favorite starting zones in all of WoW. 

What do you think of Felmyst? Are you going to try it out? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick