
EGX Rezzed 2016 - Tokyo 42 Interview with SMAC Games (Sean Wright and Maciek Strychalski)

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Published: May 9, 2016 1:00 PM

When at EGX Rezzed 2016 last month, writer Alex Baldwin and myself had the chance to sit down with Sean Wright and Maciek Strychalski, who are developers from SMAC Games, an indie studio that are currently developing a very interesting isometric shooter called Tokyo 42.

So what's the game about? Well you are tasked with assassinating different targets while also finding your self in a busy and open map environment. You'll of course have many tools available to you that can assist in the art of graceful assassination, but you will also have many obstacles in your way in regards to fulfilling your objective (such as platforming between buildings and even a police force.)

There is also no current information regarding release date or platforms as of now.

Don't just listen to me though, watch our interview and find out or you can read Alex Baldwin's first impression article, my thoughts on the game are below the video.

I only had a little bit of time to play Tokyo 42 at EGX Rezzed 2016 before we had to shoot off and get ready for other games and such, but what I did experience was pretty fun. Not only does Tokyo 42 play well, but it looks good too. The art style is very colorful but also quite minimal in the way it shows details. The game has been described as a mix of GTA 1 and Syndicate but also ....Where's Wally? (Or Waldo for you Americans), as you must find the target your looking for while also navigating through a thick crowd of people, but this time you ain't hunting for a red-and-white striped character.

At first, the game seemed simple enough, but when given an objective, you are allowed to navigate towards it via multiple approaches—you could just run up to your target and blast their face off or you could set up a sniper position and wait for the right moment.

Overall, the demo I played of Tokyo 42 seems very promising and I do have high hopes for the game.

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Freelance Videographer & Video Editor. I also stream on Twitch and upload videos on YouTube (TheFriendlyBroski).