Legend of Zelda Amiibos Wii U

E3 2016- New Amiibos for Zelda, Mario Revealed

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Published: June 17, 2016 10:57 PM

Nintendo revealed a bunch of new Amiibos to go with their upcoming games at E3 this year.

The first major set was a trio of Amiibos for the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The set featured two of Link in action poses, one in the similar pose seen in the original reveal of the game; with a bow.  The second sees Link cloaked on a horse, while a third features the robotic-looking spider guardian seen in the game's reveal trailer. Nintendo even released an Amiibo trailer for the three figures, shown below.


All three figures of course are compatible with Breath of the Wild, but the Wolf Link Amiibo, released in the special edition of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has also been confirmed to work with the game. That Amiibo will add Wolf Link as a companion for Breath of the Wild once a day. The Wolf Link companion will have a default of 3 hearts, but depending on the player's progress in Twilight Princess, they can have as many hearts as Link has in that game for Breath of the Wild.


The Link Archer Amiibo looks the best to me.


While the Zelda Amiibos dominated most of the talks, they were not the only Amiibos announced over at E3 this year. The next set of Amiibos for the Super Mario series line was also announced with series 4. This set includes Wario, Waluigi, Daisy, Rosalina, Boo, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, all in new poses, and will all be released on November 4th, 2016. 

Evil twins, women, ghosts and more!
Evil twins, women, ghosts and more!

As for the Zelda Amiibos, they will be released sometime in 2017, and will be compatible with Breath of the Wild for both the Wii U and the NX. 

The Guardian, which was first seen in the E3 trailer.


Remember, you can find more of our E3 coverage at our E3 2016 Coverage Hub.

What do you think about the new Amiibos? Leave your comments below. 

Me smiling
| Staff Writer

A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert