NX Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest X and XI under consideration for NX

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Published: July 28, 2015 4:50 PM

Dragon Quest 10 and 11 are the first known games in development for the Nintendo NX, Nintendo's codenamed next gaming system. While originally said for a 2016 release on NX, Square Enix has since updated their information, saying Dragon Quest 10 and 11 are only "under consideration" for Nintendo's next system. Square Enix did announce Dragon Quest XI will be arriving on 3DS and PS4. Also announced today, Dragon Quest XI will run on the Unreal Engine 4. The entire presentation (in Japanese) can be seen below:

At the risk of creating rumors from speculation, it is unclear whether this is a simple mistake on the speakers part, a translation error, or possible information being accidentally shared that the big N would rather not share right now. Any three could be possible, as it is in Nintendo's best interest to keep the release of NX under wraps or risk harming Wii U's already staggering sales.

Since Nintendo announced the NX, rumors have been ablaze about the system's capabilities, release date, and how it will affect the Wii U. Particularly if Nintendo delayed The Legend of Zelda on Wii U to develop a simultaneous release for it on the Wii U and NX, similar to how Twilight Princess released on the Gamecube and Wii. If Dragon Quest XI is indeed coming to the NX, we can surmise it is at least powerful enough to run Unreal Engine 4.

While Dragon Quest games have no affect on how the next Zelda game will be developed, it is a little telling that Square Enix is considering a release on the system. The NX version of Dragon Quest X and XI could always be delayed well past the release of the 3DS and PS4 versions, so the game's 2016 release date doesn't necessarily indicate the launch of the future system.

How do you feel about the possible release of these games on the NX? Would you be excited, or upset, at the release of the NX in 2016, four years after the Wii U launched? How would you feel about a simultaneous release for the Legend of Zelda on the Wii U and NX? Let us know in the comments below!

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