Dragon Age: Inquisition releases in just a few weeks on November 18th, 2014, and when Dragon Age: Inquisition was announced Bioware had a bit of a problem. Their save import system that had worked for Dragon Age II would no longer be effective, and had previously had importing issues and bugs that caused problems with previous games. Not only that, but with Inquisition using the Frostbite 3 Engine, and having Inquisition release on next gen consoles, it would be even more difficult to have these choices connect and effect the newest title in the Dragon Age franchise. A solution was created however, called Dragon Age Keep which has now gone into Open Beta for anyone and everyone to use on their PC, or mobile device.
Dragon Age Keep is an application that works in your Browser (and the internet browser on smartphones and tablet devices) which allows users to make the choices from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II that shaped the world of Thedas leading up to Dragon Age: Inquisition. After logging into the Keep with your Origin account, you are brought to the Tapestry which has decisions regarding various aspects of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II including -
- Information regarding class, race and the survival (or lack thereof) of your Grey Warden from Dragon Age: Origins
- The class, race and personality of your Champion of Kirkwall from Dragon Age II
- Major choices regarding character death, possible world changing events and more
- Choices that effect the major DLC campaigns and storylines from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II.
These choices (as they are made) form what is called a "world state" which is the combination of all of the player's choices and the impact that those choices have on the world of Dragon Age: Inquisition. An example of an impact on your world state, would be if a major character is deceased in either Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age 2; this would prevent them from making an appearance or an impact in future games. After your world state is created and the choices have been made. You can either watch the in-app cinematic retelling of the events of Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II based on your choices, or you can name and save your world state as you have it set up. This will then be imported into Dragon Age: Inquisition and allow you to see what impact your choices have on the narrative presented in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
As of right now there are 300+ choices in Dragon Age Keep currently, with more being added upon request through feedback from beta users. It has been stated that at least 200 of these consequences and choices make a difference in Dragon Age: Inquisition but it is currently not quite confirmed as to how many exactly. Dragon Age Keep will be used not just for Dragon Age: Inquisition but future games in the franchise as well, with the new application making it easy to import your choices so you can see how everything impacts the world of Thedas.
If you are interested in setting up your world state with Dragon Age Keep go to it's official website and sign up for the open beta with the Origin account that you will be using to connect your copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition to your Origin Account. It is a great way to revisit choices in the franchise with plenty of time to set up world states before the November 18th release date of Dragon Age: Inquisition. If you choose not to use The Keep, a default world state is in place for Dragon Age: Inquisition, but the Keep is a great application that is easy to use, so people should at least give it a go.