
Destiny Hunter and Warlock Figurines Revealed

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Published: July 5, 2016 10:03 AM

Whatever you might think of Bungie's Destiny, one area where the game has definitely succeeded is in the art department. If you crave something a little less digital to showcase your love for the franchise, Bungie has teamed up with toy publisher 3A to create a line of Destiny figurine that looks rather cool! While the Titan figurine has been available since last year, the Warlock and Hunter figurines are completely new. 

These figurines, which come in 3 distinct flavors, have popped up for preorders on the official 3A store. 

Destiny Warlock Figurine Collage

The first one is the Warlock figurine (see above), which stands at 12.6 inches, and is coming on July 7.  This model features the robed character class with a cool gray/white shader and comes in 3 editions. Each edition will include a Ghost equipped with one of 3 shaders depending on which edition you buy, several familiar weapons (including Thorn and No Time To Explain) and armor pieces in different colors so you can outfit your Guardian with a wardrobe of your choosing. More info on what you'll be getting if you want this figurine can be found by going here.

Destiny Hunter Figurine Collage

If the Hunter class is more your style (I know it is mine), 3A has got you covered on that front as well. The hunter figurine, which is a total of 12.2 inches in length and is set to release on July 21, also comes in one of 3 shader flavors with 3 different Ghost shaders to match and a variety of weapons including Fatebringer and Ice Breaker and the familiar Hunter cloak. Which ones you get, again, depends on which edition you buy. Find out more about the Hunter figurine here.   

The admittedly beautifully crafted figurines have a hefty price tag associated with it though: for the privilege to grace one of your shelves with one of these figurines you'll have to cough up a none too humble $190.

What do you think of the figurines? Let us know in the comments!


Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

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Release Date
September 9, 2014 (Calendar)
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