Key art depicting several characters in Babylon's Fall in a desert

Babylon's Fall Being Handed Out For Free Ahead Of Shutdown

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Published: September 21, 2022 9:53 AM

How would you like to get your hands on a free copy of Babylon's Fall? No? Well, if you do feel like chancing your arm, then swinging by your local GameStop store might yield results, as the chain is reportedly handing out free copies of Babylon's Fall ahead of the game's shutdown next year.

Why is GameStop giving out Babylon's Fall free copies?

Last week, it was announced that Babylon's Fall will shut down in February next year. I would say the game had a good run, but given its dismal review scores and rapidly dwindling player base (hey, Dash) right from the get-go, it's hard to keep a straight face saying that. 

Since Babylon's Fall is scheduled to, er, fall in February, retailers don't really have any use for the game; it's no good selling a live service game that's doomed, after all. That's why, according to VGC and Twitter outlet videogamedealsBabylon's Fall free copies are being handed out at certain GameStop locations.

Users have replied to videogamedeals' original tweet confirming that they were able to secure free Babylon's Fall copies at GameStop, so if you live near an outlet, you might want to give this a try, even if it's just because of curiosity.

Four Babylon's Fall players wearing outlandish armor and posing on some steps
This is precisely three more players than Babylon's Fall had at last count.

Why is Babylon's Fall shutting down?

To put it bluntly and simply, because it's not very good. Originally revealed at E3 2018Babylon's Fall is, or was, a collaboration between Platinum Games and Square Enix. It was intended to mesh live service elements like repeatable missions and quests with Platinum's signature action-heavy combat. We'd all like a lot of things, wouldn't we, Square Enix?

Unfortunately, the game was received very poorly at launch, with reviewers pointing to heavy repetition and pointless grind as some of Babylon's Fall's most prominent problems. The developers scrambled to fix the game, but by the time they did so, it was too late, and what few players Babylon's Fall initially attracted had scattered en masse.

I won't lie, writing the alt text for this one is gonna be hard. I think it's players fighting an enemy, or enemies, in Babylon's Fall, with weapons floating around them in a snowy landscape, but honestly, it's anyone's guess. Sorry.
With gameplay like, uh, whatever the hell is going on here, how could Babylon's Fail possibly have falled - sorry, Babylon's Fall possibly have failed?

If you're morbidly curious, you can try and stop by your local GameStop to see if you can secure a copy of this doomed hack-and-slash live service mess. It's no longer available to purchase on Steam or the PlayStation Store, so if you've got some kind of burning desire to play Babylon's Fall before it dies, GameStop is now your only hope.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for several years, and in those years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About BABYLON'S FALL
Platinum Games
Square Enix
Release Date
March 3, 2022 (Calendar)
Action RPG