Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Activision Holding Veteran Employment Drive

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Published: October 29, 2014 1:16 PM

In the lead up to this year’s most anticipated clone of a game, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Activision is doing some advertising for it in a matter that will help many other people. It is announcing a two week event, surrounding the release of Advanced Warfare called the Race for 1,000 veteran jobs which aims to provide employment assistance for military veterans.

It will begin on November 2 through 7 with 5 Twitch Streamers (Ernest Le, Goldglove, Goldenboy, iiJERiiCHOii, TmarTn) who will broadcast Advanced Warfare on a special Twitch channel while raising money for the Call of Duty Endowment. Starting on November 4, limited edition dog tags will go on sale, with all profits going to the endowment.

Beyond donating or buying dog tags though, players will be able to participate by signing up for a gameathon on Veterans Day (November 11th, known as Remembrance Day in Canada). Players sign up at the official site, and then ask for donations while they play their gameathon, all of which would of course go to the endowment.

Activision has intelligently worked in rewards for those who participate with those who are able to raise $100 getting a copy of Advanced Warfare for either the Xbox One or Xbox 360. Those who are able to go beyond that to $1000 additionally get the chance to win a Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare limited edition Xbox One, though we do not know how many are available for that prize. The top fundraiser will get a trip to San Francisco to meet up with the game’s developers at Sledgehammer Games.

After The Race to 1000 finishes, the Call of Duty Endowment will work with noted consultancy and auditing firm Deloitte to give money to organizations that have a track record of hiring veterans.

The Call of Duty Endowment has been around for a while and has had some notable success getting veterans hired in general, with an average cost of placing a veteran in a job being less than half that of the governments. In 2013 they launched their Seal of Distinction program which judges charities that place veterans in jobs. The winner of the Seal, receives a $30 000 grant as well as additional funds that can potentially be given from the fund. Those who are applicable for it must be a non-profit charity, have a mission focusing on veterans finding jobs, and accept and go through a verification process by Deloitte. There were 13 winners for it in 2013 and it is processing its 2014 applications right now.

If you want to donate to the Call of Duty Endowment fund you can do so here.

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don