
Accounting Announced From Squanchtendo

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Published: September 13, 2016 4:34 PM

Earlier this month Gears of War producer Tanya Watson and Justin Roiland, one of the co-creators of Rick and Morty announced that they had formed a VR studio called Squanchtendo and today they announced their first game called Accounting. This game will be coming to the HTC Vive later this month and will be free.

Squanchtendo isn't the only developers working on this title though as it is being co-published by Crows Crows Crows, whose previous credits include Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist which is also free on Steam, and The Temple of No. This studio is comprised of notable members including William Pugh, one of the co-creators and designer of The Stanley Parable, Dominik Johann, Jack de Quidt, and Sean O'Down.

Pugh and Roiland first began talking when Roiland was fooled by Pugh over twitter that he worked at Respawn Entertainment, developers of Titanfall 2. After Pugh came clean and properly introduced himself Roiland told Pugh that he had played and loved The Stanley Parable. It was then later in 2015 when work between these two studios began with discussions about collaborating for a VR experience. It was later in March of 2016 that Crows Crows Crows flew out to California to jam out the game over the course of a week including creating a prototype, recording dialogue, and ironing out various issues.

Go down another level with a VR headset in your VR game

From the trailer and description on the Accounting website not too much information is shared about what the game will entail but from what little is seen it is safe to assume that there will be strange tangents and fourth wall breaking storytelling similar to The Stanley Parable.

This isn't the only VR game that Roiland is working on either as Adult Swim Games is currently creating a VR Rick and Morty game as well.

What do you think of Accounting? Are you excited for a new game from Pugh?

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew