Voodoo Detective is a detective point and click adventure set in New Ginen, a small town on Zo Wanga Isle. The titular Voodoo Detective is visiting the island on his latest case, as he attempts to help a mysterious woman regain her memories. Despite what initially seems like a mundane investigation, it turns out that this woman is embroiled in a drama that had the potential to threaten reality itself.
Developer Short Sleeve Studio has stated that Voodoo Detective is inspired by classic point and click title Monkey Island, and this can be seen across many aspects of the game. Large hand-drawn backgrounds, humorous fully-voiced cutscenes, and a soundtrack by Monkey Island veteran Peter McConnell.
Travel the island, meet strange people, and collect items that you'll likely need to combine in some strange ways. It's very similar to classic PC point and click titles, though Voodoo Detective does try to make the experience less obtuse for genre newcomers.