tERRORbane game page header.


tERRORbane is an adventure game taking place inside a buggy fantasy RPG. You're a new player of this RPG, tasked with reaching the game's end. However, the developer of the game is constantly present, commenting on how this broken game is the best one they've ever made. To show them how wrong they are, you must make use of every bug and exploit you can find to complete the game and potentially change the world of tERRORbane forever.

You'll explore the barely cohesive world, adding more bugs and glitches to your BUG LIST that can aid you in your journey. By making certain choices, you can even travel to vastly different sections of the world to experience more of its strange lore. There are plenty of references and homages to classic video game franchises that can be discovered in each area, along with plenty meta commentary on the state of the gaming industry.