Previews of Games Developed By 1C Entertainment

FPS Forgive Me, Father

Forgive Me, Father's Early Access Makes a Few Sins

A demo only offers a small slice of gameplay. As such, an individual's initial reception towards a game can change once they get their hands on a larger piece of the pie. Case in point: Forgive Me,…

October 26, 2021 | 10:00 EDT

dread templar

Dread Templar Takes Badass to the Next Level

So many boomer shooters to choose from and so little time. We're a lucky lot, FPS fans—we are absolutely spoiled for choice! It can be easy to gloss over many of these FPS titles, and sometimes they…

August 13, 2021 | 01:00 EDT


Viscerafest is a New FPS True to Its Name

Boomer shooters are great, and I love them—I really do—but why can't there be another theme other than just "kill demons in some Hell-like environment?" It's getting old, and I'm ready for something…

June 2, 2021 | 01:00 EDT

Horror Story: Hallowseed Effigy

Horror Story: Hallowseed is Wicked Cool

Sue me, I have a soft spot for indie horror. Horror Story: Hallowseed is a first-person horror adventure developed by Jeff Winner. Currently in Early Access, it tells the story of three people who go…

March 2, 2021 | 12:00 EST