Star Wars Eclipse Controlled Leaks Reveal Plot to Gauge Interest

It seems to be confirmed that the Star Wars Eclipse cotrolled leaks were controlled by Quantic Dream, and used as a tactic to gauge gamers' interest prior to development.

Published: October 24, 2022 5:06 PM /


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It has been confirmed that the Star Wars: Eclipse controlled leaks were in fact a tactic used by Quantic Dreams to gauge the interest of the fans of the franchise. While this game is in the very early stages of development, we know that the premise will revolve around political conflict as we follow the main protagonist Sarah. 

We learned from Insider Gaming that these leaks were not only accurate but that they were leaked on purpose by none other than the developers themselves. It has been said that the devs leaked the information to the Sacred Symbols' podcast in order to determine the fan base's interest in the storyline, plot, and game itself. It has also been said that this was a tactic to help the developer's recruitment efforts which have been reportedly less than fruitful, to say the least.

Since this was a controlled leak, one can assume that since the devs themselves released the information, the info will be used to develop the game in the direction that the audience pushes it. Meaning that if the fans don't thoroughly enjoy the story, the plot, or the protagonist, the developers can change it accordingly prior to release. During the podcast, Sacred Symbols host Colin Moriarty stated that Star Wars: Eclipse "is not even really in production yet", which means that it is basically a blank page waiting for the fans to write down what they like so far and what they don't.

With all of that being said, we must mention why they are going to such measures to win over the fan base and even those who don't follow the franchise. Back in January 2018, some very serious allegations against Quantic Dream studios caught the media's attention. It has been said that the studio not only had staffing issues due to these allegations but that the workplace is extremely toxic.

There are not only allegations of workplace harassment where David Cage called both men and women profane names, but allegations certain employees photoshopped images of coworkers onto the bodies of pornstars. The allegations go even further, stating there was sexism, racism, inappropriate behavior, and the extreme overworking of staff within the workplace. 

It is to our understanding that there are still lawsuits pending between the studio and past employees at this point in time, but nothing is 100% confirmed at this time. What we do know is that it seems as though the studio is grasping at straws to grab the attention of not only players of Eclipse by revealing information like this early, but to hopefully get some people interested in working with them on the game's development.

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Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
| Former Staff Writer

Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha