Hogwarts Legacy Third Keeper Trial: Niamh Fitzgerald's Trial

Last Update: February 13, 2023 10:19 PM /


Niemh Fitzgerald portrait in Hogwarts Legacy

The Third Keeper Trial in Hogwarts Legacy is a story that includes the three Deathly Hallows. It doesn’t call the three objects that, instead going for Mysterious Cloak, Mysterious Wand, and Mysterious Stone, but players are tasked with collecting all of them while learning Niamh Firzgerald’s story. While it plays out like a true storybook tale, there are a few places where players can get lost. This guide will help get you through it.

Hogwarts Legacy looming Death

Niamh Fitzgerald’s Trial in Hogwarts Legacy

The first part of the third Keeper Trial involves being sneaky and bypassing a bunch of hooded enemies. If you’re caught, you can try again and come back to various checkpoints through the trail. Your character will speak and tell you exactly what to do and where to go. When your character says to run in certain areas, do just that. 

The only key to progressing past these enemies is to wait for when they’re not looking. This isn’t too tricky because once they’ve looked away and begun walking, it’s easy to slip by them-they won’t turn back around as a trick.

vine-covered gate Hogwarts Legacy

At one point, the main character will say they have to turn back. Do this and look for a door immediately on the left. A bunch of darkness will come out of it, but players are able to walk into it to continue. Once entering into the door, players will need to walk up the stairs. However, once reaching upstairs players have to be careful as there are multiple dark-hooded figures watching. 

Get to the doorway of the upstairs room and wait for the enemy pacing the middle of the room to turn around and walk away from the entrance. Follow that enemy and players will be able to get through the room without being caught, leaving through a wooden slab bridge on the upper left side of the room. From there, players will be able to follow a short path and find an Invisibility Cloak.

Elder Wand in Hogwarts Legacy

Getting the Mysterious Wand and Mysterious Stone

After putting it on, walk through the gates that opened up. Stick to the left at every opportunity. The enemies can no longer see the player, so weaving in and out of them to get to the end location is easy to do.

From there, players will encounter the Elder Wand and be forced to battle their way out of every situation. Destroy the stack of rocks blocking the path with a spell in order to continue. Players should follow the pathway to the right where they’ll end up engaged in combat. After defeating them, continue on the path that’s cleared up. 

More enemies will appear, and once they’re taken care of players should go through the newly available area. Stick to the right and climb up the walls when needed. Eventually, players will come to an arena-like area and see Death appear. Death will summon hordes of enemies for the player to clear again that includes trolls, hooded enemies, and wolves. After two rounds of this, players will be able to access the area on their left to continue.

Resurrection Stone in Hogwarts Legacy

Continue on the path to find the last of the Deathly Hallows, the Resurrection Stone. From there, walk along the path until finding death by a tombstone. Players will need to walk to the tombstone in order to find Niamh, who they’ll follow to the end of the trial. 

That’s the end of the Third Keeper Trial in Hogwarts Legacy! Let us know if there was anything else you felt especially tricked by in the comments below. 

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Brittany's been gaming since she could walk -- literally. A doctor told her parents to get her a handled console to improve her hand-eye coordination… More about Brittany

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