This Week in Valheim: March 20, 2021

This Week in Valheim: a troll gets his just desserts, water skiing is the hot new sport, and you can travel to Middle Earth!

Published: March 20, 2021 11:00 AM /


This Week in Valheim March 20

Welcome to This Week in Valheim, a weekly roundup of news, modding, community creations, and epic moments in the Viking survival crafting game created by Iron Gate.

Valheim is a game in Steam Early Access that sends players to a fictional 10th realm of the Norse afterlife. Odin has charged you with defeating your enemies and placed you in an open world filled with adventure and peril. The freedom this game provides affords a lot of opportunities for cool stuff to happen, so let's dive right in!

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This Week in Valheim News

Here are some of the more interesting pieces of Valheim news for this week!

Iron Gate Ramps Up Work on Valheim Hearth and Home Update

After several weeks of bug fixing, Iron Gate has begun to shift its focus towards working on the new Hearth and Home Update. This upcoming major content update will add new building pieces and new cooking features. Additionally, the game's composer Patrik Jarlestam is in discussions to bring the game's soundtrack to music streaming services and vinyl.

'No Plans' for Teleporting Ore Through Portals, Iron Gate CEO Says

Unfortunately, not all news this week is good news. Iron Gate CEO Richard Svensson confirmed on Twitter that there aren't any plans to allow players to teleport metal ore and bars through Portals.

"[Not] sure why people [think] we are gonna allow ore in teleports," he said in a tweet. "[There are] no plans for that."

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This Week in Valheim Community Creations

Cool Valheim community creations are popping up on a near-daily basis—here are some of our favorites!

Valheim Player Recreates Sauron's Tower

In what may be an ill-advised decision, a player has recreated Sauron's dark fortress Barad-dûr in Valheim. Unfortunately, that player has also discovered a shiny golden ring in a nearby river and has disappeared into a nearby cave, muttering about his "precious."*

*Some details have been embellished for the sake of comedy.

Valheim Players Build Functional Rollercoaster

I love Rollercoaster Tycoon (the original, not the awful mobile game). I love Valheim. Someone else apparently feels the same way: A team of players have created a functional rollercoaster. This is, at its core, one of those crazy boat-launching ramps you may have seen but it also features the addition of some crazy twists and turns.

It Slices! It Dices! It's Three Buildings in One!

The Valheim subreddit has had more than its fair share of memes about bridges, never mind all of the players showing off boathouses and longhouses. That led /u/mythmatics to create something a little unusual: the longbridgeboathouse, combining all three of these buildings into one massive structure.

Screw It, Let's Make an Entire Battleship

Our final community creation for the week is a boat. No, this is not a Karve or a Longboat—an absolute madlad by the Reddit username of /u/wjdql6434 created a full-size Iowa Class Battleship. Sadly, it doesn't have functional artillery pieces... yet.

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This Week in Valheim Mods

Valheim mods can let you do some pretty cool things with the game. Check out some of the recent mod releases and updates!

Better Continents Mod Gets Some Upgrades

The Better Continents Mod has gotten an update, further allowing players to make custom maps for the game (albeit with some work). We've already seen some impressive maps made thanks to this mod such as the world of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the entirety of Middle Earth. (Grey Havens not included.)

'Play As Skeleton' Lets You... Play as a Skeleton

We all like to mix things up every now and again. Why not try your turn in the Viking afterlife as a somewhat... thinner hero? The Play as Skeleton mod lets you switch the player model with the model of any other object, although it only works with Skeletons for now.

Multiverse Mod Lets You Easily Hop Servers

One of the game's few failings is that its server browser isn't that great. That gets fixed with the Multiverse mod which allows you to easily jump to other servers. You can also use this mod to travel to another world file on the same server!

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Valheim Must-See Moments: March 13–March 20, 2021

An open-world survival crafting game has a lot of opportunities for epic moments, whether they're funny or just plain awesome. Here's some of the cooler stuff we've seen this week!

Water Skiing for Fun and Profit

Water skiing is a fun summer pastime, but one industrious group of Vikings has found a way to use it to transport ore. By turning on PvP and hitting a cart-driving player with a harpoon, it's possible to drag them wherever you like — including over the ocean behind a moving longboat. You have to see it to believe it (and of course, someone has already made a meme about it, too).

Do a Barrel Roll!

YouTube SmugBuffalo has a fondness for boat ramps, but this one comes with a twist: He's managed to get a Longboat to do a barrel roll. In the air. With a box of scraps! You can see more of his crazy antics on his YouTube channel.

A Troll Gets His Comeuppance

Anyone who has spent more than a few minutes in the Black Forest has probably encountered a troll. While they're not too tough to kill, they can be particularly annoying (and dangerous!) with their penchant for knocking over trees. This time, however, one troll cut down a tree that would ultimately be his undoing.

And that's it for This Week in Valheim! If there's anything cool we've missed out on, let us know in the comments below!

Don Parsons contributed to this article.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Valheim
Game Page Valheim
Iron Gate
Release Date
February 2, 2021 (Calendar)
Survival, RPG, Indie
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