Artwork from HIt the Road, Jack, featuring a black and white image of a guy quickly repairing a motorcycle in the dark.

Hit The Road, Jack Brings The Chase To The Table

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Published: August 14, 2023 3:30 PM

A new indie TTRPG has been released. This very creative part of the industry has yielded many fascinating experiences, from Under The Autumn Strangely's pastoral horror to Backroads' southern gothic post-apocalyptic world.

Now there is Hit The Road, Jack, a TTRPG all about the chase between the law, and a poor soul caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Hit The Road, Jack Announcement

According to an official press release, Hit The Road, Jack is a Solo/duet TTRPG that puts your players right in the middle of the action.

Something has gone horribly wrong. It's unclear what exactly. What is clear is now Jack Be Nimble needs to keep moving or be caught by the law led by Jack Be Quick.

With this setup, players need to construct an image of who their Jack is, including what has driven them to run or hunt To this end, Hit The Road, Jack features over forty story prompts, based on the upright and reversed Major Arcana of a tarot deck.

From there, the game is a journaling experience with each player answering a set number of story prompts. The game supports three different lengths: short, medium, and long, allowing players to choose how much they want to express without getting burned out.

Hit The Road, Jack is heavily inspired by various vehicular action influences.

These include Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, the dystopian grit of Akira, the dark urban fantasy of Marvel's Ghost Rider, and the American midwest mayhem of Double Fine's Full Throttle.

Hit The Road, Jack is available now on Urania Games store page. For about $6, you can download the game as a PDF, which includes the core rules, printable character prompts, stretches of narration that address the characters with snark, judgment, and occasionally compassion, and four unique endings for each Jack.

There are plans to release an audiobook version of the narration. It is currently set for a mid to late 2024 release.

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Ever since he was small, Tyler Chancey has had a deep, abiding love for video games and a tendency to think and overanalyze everything he enjoyed. This… More about Tyler