Yahoo Games

Yahoo Games Service Shutting Down

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Published: March 11, 2016 10:14 PM

Yahoo has announced that it will be shutting down their Yahoo Games site and publishing channel on May 13. Yahoo came to this decision during their latest earnings call, where they "outlined a plan for simplifying the business and focusing on our strengths across seven core consumer products: Mail, Search, Tumblr, News, Sports, Finance, and Lifestyle."

Along with Yahoo Games, several other sections of Yahoo will be closing as well; including Yahoo Livetext, Yahoo Astrology (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and India), and Yahoo BOSS JSON Search API and BOSS Hosted Search. 

Yahoo Games allowed third-party game publishers to offer their games to users, and for users to make in-game purchases for those games. The site will still function as normal until May 13, so before then Yahoo has stated that users should look to the game publishers for information about what will happen with their in-game purchases, and if/how they will be able to transfer them.

Yahoo has provided an FAQ with specifics about what exactly will happen with Yahoo Games, and how it will affect users. They have also stated they have "reached out to game publishers and asked them to develop a transition plan for players in the coming days." The territories that will be affected are: The United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. 

As far as changes to users' login information and personal information, Yahoo says they will not be changed and no transfer of personal information will occur. These changes to the inner workings of the company come after around a year of steady decline, with things finally starting to look up recently, but if they can't continue to keep things going in the right direction don't be surprised if you see them continue to trim the fat. 

Will you be affected by Yahoo Games shutting down? Do you think if things start to pick up, Yahoo Games might see a return in the future?

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Kyle Downey TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Staff Writer looking to keep you both informed and entertained. Favorite games include: Pokemon, Overwatch, Golden Sun, Portal, and Elder Scrolls.