Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Platinum

TMNT: Mutants In Manhatten Confirmed by Platinum

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Published: January 25, 2016 11:46 AM

In the most open secret in the gaming industry, Platinum Games has finally confirmed that they are, indeed, developing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game. And it's even looking like all the screenshots that had been leaked about it. Posting on their twitter they gave this small confirmation of it:


This may very well be the most leaked title in gaming, so it is absolutely no surprise. There's little information here other than, yes it exists by Platinum, and more information to come tomorrow. However, the leaking of the Xbox achievements previously gave a lot of information that could be figured out quite easily, and it appears it's going to be an openworldish game, quite possibly in the vein of Transformers Devastation.

Enemies confirmed from that leak include: Krangdroids, Foot Clan Soldiers, rampaging cars, Wingnut, and Stone Warriors. There will be multiple stages which you will be able to revisit after the main missions in, and the overall achievements for it hint at a deeper game possibly than Transformers was. Things such as the helicopter, climbing to the top of a stage and staying off the ground for a whole stage all hint at a possible focus on verticality in the game which would fit a lot of the roof hopping that is common in the franchise.

If you want to find out more, you can read our article that ran down all that could be figured out from that achievement leak. There's also a website that will be going up, presumably tomorrow, that was linked by Platinum: http://www.tmntmutantsinmanhattan.com/.

Quick Take

Well, that took long enough. I mean, it's been absurd for a while now how long Platinum and Activision stayed quiet on the title given the leaks around it. So it's good to have it confirmed officially that Teenaged Ninja Mutant Turtles: Mutants in Manhantten is indeed happening. If the achievements do point us right, this could be Platinum's best licensed title which would make TMNT: Mutants in Manhatten a very good game. Also, how the hell is TMNT of all the things we grew up with still a thing?

What are your thoughts about this game? Did I read too much into the achievements? When do you think it will release? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don