Terraria 1.3 Featured Image

Terraria 1.3 Update Announcement Trailer and Release Date

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Published: May 27, 2015 9:56 PM

Terraria, made by Re-Logic, has announced its next update will be to 1.3, to be released on June 30th. The trailer, embedded below, shows several new features and teases others in the background. Prominently shown are minecarts with logical physics, teleporter modifications, new weather and biome effects, new music, many new items (including a portal gun), new ores, and possibly new enchantments. The upcoming features for 1.3 are numerous, including Mac and Linux support, new events, a new game mode, over 250 new items, new biomes, achievements, summons, pets, hooks, liquids, blocks, HUD improvements, trophies, accessories, and other in-game content. Additionally numerous mechanics have been added for building, combat, and essentially every other area of gameplay.

Thinking With Portals
Thinking With Portals

Terraria's 1.3 update holds a special significance for fans, representing what may be the last work on the game from head developer Andrew "Redigit" Spinks. Developers Yoraiz0r and Skiphs will continue updating Terraria past 1.3 as Redigit moves on to other projects at the company.

A prominent change in 1.3 is the inclusion of a new expert game mode. The mode features the same monsters and bosses as the normal mode, but with more difficult AI and mechanics and greater rewards for defeating them.

Lead developer Cenx stated on October 7th, 2014, that with the new update the total amount of items in the game comes out to over 3,000. Items such as the portal gun, wormhole potion, sticky dynamite, bee's knees, blackhole beater, nail gun, and more add significant color to the already colorful assortment of items available in the game.

Two new events exist as well: a lunar event and the Martian Madness event. While the lunar event has little details available, possibly due to the long-teased final boss being lunar in nature, the Martian Madness event is known to be all about aliens with at least seven to eight new enemies.

Terraria 1.3 will be available to download on June 30th on its Steam store page. Fans have been collecting information on what developers have let slip on the wiki.


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