We reported earlier on the possible cancellation of Silent Hills, the heir apparent of the Silent Hill franchise, based around a series of high-profile figures declaring their removal from the project. It has now come to light that with major creative directors and talent having been removed from the project, it is officially canceled. Konami states that although Silent Hills is done for, this does not indicate the end of the Silent Hill series.
In a Q and A on their website regarding the recent events, Konami officials gave the following remarks, all of which are rather evasive to the actual intent of the questions:
In spite of their vague answers, it seems apparent that they are doing damage control to play down disappointment at the cancellation news. While officials leave open the possibility of future collaborations with Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro, they admit that the original vision which was to become the game is no longer going to happen.
Although teaser demo P.T. made the rounds on Youtube to great success, these new revelations mean the death knell for the incipient game. It's remains available for re-download to users who had previously bought it, despite it's removal from the Playstation Store. The demo now stands as the only relic of a game that will never exist. Eerily appropriate for an experience which includes a shocking portrayal of stillbirth, to itself now become the aborted remnants of something that could have been.