Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break is Releasing June 2 On Stadia

Published: April 28, 2020 12:22 PM /


Rock of Age 3

Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break, which was originally coming out for the PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch is now coming to Google Stadia as well, and we now have a release date of June 2.

In Rock of Ages 3, players will be able to... make and break worlds, with an included level editor allowing players to create levels and share them online. Once done, players can then play in 4-player online or 2-player splitscreen and crush maps in six distinct game modes with over 20 different boulders. These game modes include Boulder Avalanche, which has players defending a base, Humpty-Dumpty Mode, where players will have to perfect their rolling skills of a fragile boulder, and Time Trials, where the players have to "race the clock" to complete specific objectives.

Whimsically funny, the Modus Games' latest title will cover everything from Caesar and Moctezuma to Krampus and the Flying Spaghetti monster in a campaign that will take place across all of history and beyond. The game itself will begin in Greek hero Odysseus' adventures, where he raids the cave of a giant cyclops named Polyphemeus. To escape, Odysseus fools the cyclops by blinding him. When he leaves the next day, Polyphemus throws boulders at Odysseus, because he's a jerk who should have to dodge a thrown rock once in a while. 

Eventually, he fails to dodge the Rock of Ages, flattening Odysseus and killing him. After, the player will take control of Odysseus' sidekick, Elpenor. Forced to sail the seven seas due to a curse by Poseidon, players will encounter some aforementioned characters, as well as Rasputin, Genghis Khan, and Queen Elizabeth.

What do you think of this announcement? Are you going to play Rock of Ages 3? If so, will you buy it on Stadia or somewhere else? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick