Sony has announced its PlayStation Plus September 2017 lineup for premium subscribers, and a leak earlier this week for inFAMOUS: Second Son and Child of Light apparently came true. Subscribers in North America and Europe will also receive a bonus PSVR game with RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, which was developed by the now defunct Guerilla Cambridge (Killzone: Mercenary, MediEvil). Giving the online VR arena shooter to PS Plus subscribers neatly coincides with Sony’s new PSVR bundles in September.
As usual, two titles each for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita are included in Sony’s PlayStation Plus September 2017 lineup, with some also available as cross-buy games. With the lineup being different per region, North America will get Strike Vector EX while Europe has Child of Light for September. Below is the lineup for North America:
- inFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4)
- Strike Vector EX (PS4)
- Truck Racer (PS3)
- Handball 2016 (PS3)
- We Are Doomed (PS Vita, PS4)
- Hatoful Boyfriend (PS Vita, PS4)
inFAMOUS: Second Son is an open-world third-person action game that lets players choose to become either a superhero or supervillain with its karma system. In our review, we thought inFAMOUS: Second Son was a good game that lacked spark. Meanwhile, Strike Vector EX is an updated version of the fast paced flight online shooter released in 2014 for PC. Strike Vector EX has a brief campaign mode for those looking to enjoy solo. Our reviewer thought Strike Vector Ex is an average game with its single-player content ranging “between okay and actively bad.”
Meanwhile, PS3 owners will get Truck Racer, an arcadey game where players use a huge truck to race and destroy targets. Also up for grabs is Handball 2016, a sports simulator game developed by Eko Software.
PS Vita owners will receive We are Doomed, colorful twin- shooter; and Hatoful Boyfriend, a weird, comic Japanese interactive visual novel where players take control of a bird and must find love and romance with other fellow birds in school. We gave a positive review for Hatoful Boyfriend, saying it has “a great dark story for a take on the classic dating sim” but is hampered by its repetitiveness.
Aside from the instant game collection games, North American subscribers will get to play Dead by Daylight for free starting September 15 to 18. They'll also have an exclusive 30 percent discount for the full game until September 22. Free-to-play MMO Neverwinter will also get a content pack for PS Plus Members from September 19 through October 16 to celebrate the game's Tomb of Annihilation update. Lastly, July 2017 PlayStation Plus title That's You will only be available to download until October 23 for both North America and Europe.
For Europe, subscribers will get Ubisoft’s Child of Light, a gorgeous game with a simple yet engaging RPG gameplay, which we positively reviewed back in 2014. Below is the PlayStation Plus September 2017 games trailer for Europe.
The PlayStation Plus instant game collection games lineup changes on the first Tuesday of each month, meaning there’s only a week left to claim August’s free games. Even if you don’t own a certain platform, you can still “purchase” the game from the PlayStation Store.
Are you happy with the PlayStation Plus September 2017 games? Do you think the price increase for PlayStation Plus was worth it? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.