A few days before E3, Nintendo gives us a special announcement for the Pokémon series, showcasing three big ticket items for the franchise.
The first game, after an extended commercial, was Pokken Tournament DX for the Nintendo Switch, a revamped version of Pokken Tournament for the Wii U. This new version of Pokken Tournament features five new Pokémon to play as, including fan favorites Scizor and Decidueye, and a new 3v3 team battles, online only ranked matches, and group only friend matches.
To help promote Pokken Tournament DX, the game will be fully playable at E3 this year, with a full on invitational tournament scheduled for June 14th at 10:30 AM PT. It will also be shown off during Nintendo's Treehouse event. Pokken Tournament DX is scheduled for a September 22nd release this year. The tournament will feature eight youtube and twitch stars in a crew battle format, meaning four teams with two players per team. The winning team will receive a piece of signed artwork from Pokken Tournament DX by Tsunekazu Ishihara, the CEO of The Pokémon Company, and members of the development team.
The next teased game was the highly anticipated sequel to Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Many folks have predicted that the next version, Pokémon Stars, would the title name and some form of cross play between the Switch and the 3DS would be possible.
Instead, Pokémon director Junichi Masuda treated us to a short preview of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon. According to Masuda, the two new Pokémon games will feature an alternate story in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, as well as new Pokémon that didn't feature in the original versions of the game. While no further details have been mentioned except a release date of November 17th for only the 3DS.
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The footage, however, does reveal some changes, including aesthetic changes to the game world, new clothing and outfits for the player, what look to be new cut-scenes, and most curiously, the two legendaries Solgaleo and Lunala with different forms. Both of them now sport black spikes and rocks around them, similar to the design of the third legendary, Necrozma.
Masuda wasn't done though, as one more game was given an announcement; the re-release of Pokémon Gold and Silver for the 3DS Virtual Console. Both titles will be compatible with the Pokémon Bank feature, meaning they will be transferable to Sun and Moon much like the Red, Blue and Yellow remakes. Gold and Silver will be released on the same day as Pokken Tournament DX as well, on September 22nd.
It is likely all three games will get a lot of chatter at E3 next week, so stay tuned for more updates from Nintendo and The Pokémon Company for more.
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