
New Hearthstone Expansion Imminent?

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Published: November 03, 2014 3:24 PM

A recent trademark filing could have revealed the latest expansion for the immensely popular card game, and TechRaptor has all the details.

The possible announcement of the next expansion to Hearthstone could be very close, as a recent trademark filing by Blizzard Entertainment shows.

The next expansion for Hearthstone is supposed to have over a hundred cards, as well as feature a possible mechanical theme. For those who don't know who Azshara is, she is the former Queen of the Night Elves, and is reputably one of the most powerful mages in all of Azeroth. Although her strength is considerable, the expansion may not strictly focus upon Azshara, but rather on the zone in World of Warcraft that is named after her.

A map of the zone Azshara from WoW

Although there definitely is a Naga presence in the zone, there is also Night Elves and Goblins, which gives the idea of an Azshara based expansion credence, with some intriguing Blizzcon invites, as well as a Goblin cardback that was inadvertently leaked.

With the mysterious empty space at Blizzcon, there is definitely room for a quick announcement for a Hearthstone expansion, although at this point it could be anything. Blizzard Entertainment loves surprises, and Blizzcon is famous for them.

With a near guaranteed announcement for the next Starcraft II expansion and a possible announcement of the next Diablo III expansion, it looks as though this will be a good week to be a Blizzard fan.

For more details, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick