Craglorn image

ESO's Craglorn Adventure Zone is Live!

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Published: May 29, 2014 4:55 PM

In order to combat the overwhelming speed of which players are beating end game content, Bethesda and Zenimax Online have released a new zone which features a new cooperative focused sense of gameplay.

The new area, dubbed thusly as Craglorn, is a veteran area in which a group of four people take on new and challenging quests, dungeons, and a whole lot more bad guys. On top of that, they have also added in a twelve player option where you are faced with difficult trials. Want bragging rights? The better you do, the higher your team is posted on the leaderboard. And if that still isn't enough, ESO hosts a whole slew of new gear to equip your avatar with. What's better than beating a boss? Well fat loot of course!

Craglorn celestials

The story behind Craglorn is simple enough. The celestials of the Mage, Thief, and Warrior, formally known as the Guardian Celestials of Tamriel, have completely disappeared. Predictably enough, that sends Craglorn into complete turmoil. In this area you will fight different celestial beings, only known thus far as the Celestial Mage and Celestial Warrior. Your mission? To find out why the Guardian Celestials are missing and take down the encroaching evil that threatens to swallow Craglorn.

If you don't normally cater to the group scene, unfortunately this area is not for you. In the words of the developers themselves: "don't go alone."


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