THE WHEEL OF FATE IS TURNING - and it looks like I won't be buying that copy of BlazBlue: Chronophantasma for my Vita just yet, as that release is already obsolete by the looks of it.
Today Famitsu reports that Arc System Works is approximately 60% done with the EXTEND release of their latest release in the BlazBlue fighting game series BlazBlue Chronophantasma - this time not just hitting PS3 on launch, but PS4 and Xbox One as well. Extra content included in this release are the two characters added to the Japanese Arcade release of Chronophantasma 2.0, some new story elements - and almost assuredly all of the content previously exclusive to the Vita release of Chronophantasma, alongside any content completely new to this release. Speaking of which; a Vita release hasn't been announced for the title - but considering every other BlazBlue title has been on either the PSP or the Vita in some form, it's probably worth assuming that another handheld version is in the cards as well.
Ah well; I can't say anything else for certain, other than the fact that the release is (obviously) scheduled for next year - the Japanese release is April 23rd, to be exact! - and MSRP seems to be set at full price, in contrast with Continuum Shift EXTEND's discounted price on launch. Aksys - the series' western publisher - hasn't yet stated their plans in regards to localizing the title, but I'd imagine that in the coming weeks we'll learn more about the estimated time of arrival for the game in the west.
Either way, it's some exciting times for fighting game fans! With Street Fighter V having been revealed recently, and a ton of other titles releasing in the coming months - there really has never been a better time to explore the genre. In particular, it's been a great few months for PC fighting game fans - as besides for Arc System Works' signature franchises Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, all recent fighting games releases have come to the platform in one way or another. Even then - BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger saw a release on Steam earlier this year, and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND released on the service earlier this month as well - so perhaps a PC release for this latest title might not be so much of a pipe-dream as before.
What are your hopes for this release? What characters do you think need to be tweaked, and what other platforms do you hope the game will eventually release on?