Black Rose Valkyrie

Black Rose Valkyrie Combat System Explained

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Published: May 13, 2016 1:33 PM

Compile Heart has been hinting at the unique combat system for their upcoming RPG title Black Rose Valkyrie since the game was announced. Now that it’s release is less than a month away detailed information about Black Rose Valkyries’ ‘Tactical Fluid Battle System’ has been revealed on the official website and translated at Gematsu. The game is launching on PS4 in Japan on June 30th.


The combat system used in Black Rose Valkyrie is called the ‘Tactical Fluid Battle System.’ Unlike many turn based combat games the order of actions will change in real time for both allies and enemies. Characters turn order is determined by a ‘Tactical Weight Gauge’ that will continue changing as players decide what actions to take.

Each character has a speed stat that will determine how fast their icon moves along the ‘Tactical Weight Gauge’. Icons can surpass those of other characters on the gauge and will be able to take their actions first. Players can also utilize charge attacks to jump ahead in the turn order. This charge attack is lower in power but can give a tactical advantage if used effectively.

Black Rose Valkyrie
The gauge to the left shows the turn order attack levels.

Black Rose Valkyrie uses an intricate combo system in its combat. The chain of attacks in a combo are determined in advance and includes up to five different attacks. Players will first choose an attack command and then an attack level to execute it at. There are three attack levels which vary in the speed they will occur and power level of the attacks. Choosing a power level will be dependent on a player's strategy and battle situation because speed will be sacrificed for power and vice versa.

During a combo players can stop enemies from advancing in turn order. Combos can be created in a variety of ways, allowing players to have their own playstyle and strategies in battle. For extra powerful attacks ‘Riot Combos’ can be performed. Getting through enemy characters’ guard will also allow for powerful EX Combos.

Black Rose Valkyrie
Create your own combo's before the battle begins.

Similar to combos Valkyrie soldiers have a special ability called ‘Arts’. Arts stop the movement of the ‘Tactical Weight Gauge’ and are more powerful than other attacks. Executing arts uses up a resource called ‘AP’ so players should choose when to use these special attacks wisely.

As allies attack they will accrue technical points or ‘TP’. These points can be used on other abilities like ‘Ignition’. Ignition will boost physical abilities but will eventually result in fatigue if overused.

While using ignition players can access ‘Overdrive’. In overdrive characters can use their weapons full power and have increased speed. Because of the dangerous nature of the Valkyrie weapons soldiers are administered an enhancing agent while in overdrive time however, excessive use of this can cause a personality split and the characters hair, eyes and personality can change.

Black Rose Valkyrie
Become even more powerful with Ignition and Overdrive.

Formation is also a key component of combat in Black Rose Valkyrie. If team members are in the right formation they will be able to have various effects on their fellow party members as well as the ability for executing special co-op attacks.  Having allies in rear guard positions will allow for  ‘side attacks’, ‘additional attacks’ and ‘simultaneous attacks’ so having a good formation can really make a difference in battle.

The ‘Tactical Fluid Battle System’ is a complex combat interface that will take both forethought and on-the-spot decision making to  use effectively. For more detailed information about Black Rose Valkyrie’s ‘Tactical Fluid Battle System’ visit the official website. Black Rose Valkyrie will be released on June 30th for PS4 in Japan.

Black Rose Valkyrie
Compile Heart/Idea Factory


Alexandra Joy Taberski
| Past Author

Alexandria is a former Staff Writer at TechRaptor, who specializes in coverage of mobile games, RPGs, and JRPGs primarily, and has an unfortunate aversion… More about Alexandria