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Through The Darkest of Times

Indie games can often explore areas that larger and more mainstream games can't or won't explore. Berlin Studio Paintbucket Games was founded by two ex-Yager (Spec Ops The Line) developers and their new title, Through the Darkest of Times, puts players in the role of German citizens in 1933 shortly after Hitler's ascent to the Chancellorship. Using a variety of tactics you become the resistance to Hitler in Germany, as the game follows the actual historical events of the lead up to and during World War 2.

Here's a description from publisher HandyGames:

Through the Darkest of Times is a strategy game, that lets you play a resistance group in Third Reich Berlin. The game covers the entire time from Hitler’s seizure of power 1933 to Germany’s unconditional surrender 1945. You plan actions of your group while at the same time try to balance the morale of your members, get resources needed for the actions and avoid getting caught by the Gestapo (Germany’s Secret Service Police during the Third Reich).

Big political events follow the actual historical timeline and influence your options and what happens to your group. Your members are fictional and procedurally generated on each playthrough. They come with different personalities, abilities, and views. As leader of the group, it's your job to fight the regime by winning the hearts and minds of the people, holding your group together and leading them through the darkest of times.