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RIOT - Civil Unrest

RIOT - Civil Unrest is a real-time strategy game where players play the role of either the police or protestors in a series of missions based on real-life crisis.

Developed by Italian indie studio IV Productions and the brainchild of developer Leonard Menchinari, RIOT  takes you into the heart of the world's most fractious clashes, including the Arab Spring of Egypt, the NoTAV in Italy, and more. Four campaigns in total, plus seventeen single level scenarios encompassing protests from all over the world, are at your disposal.

Menchiari experienced rioting first-hand at the NoTAV protests in Italy, so he created the game to tell the stories and express the feelings experienced during these clashes. What triggers the crowd to behave with such anger and aggression? Often outnumbered, what does a police officer feel like during the conflict? RIOT – Civil Unrest presents the player with the opportunity to experience both sides of the fight - a fight in which there really are no winners. Who is right and who is wrong? Experience RIOT – Civil Unrest and draw your own conclusions.

Features two distinct play-styles, one for the police, and one for protestors. As the police you must balance the use of force and maintain the peace, often outnumbered by the growing mobs of protesters surrounding you. As the rioters, do you protest peacefully, or devolve into violence and chaos to protect yourself? Each side as a variety of tools to protect themselves with, and the world is watching the actions of both sides to see the aftermath of the clashes between them.

All of this is presented with a clever use of pixelated graphics and low key but realistic sound effects, and available on both the PC and Mobile platforms today.